The Speak Up Youth Fact Sharing: The Little-Known Legal Provisions on Anti-Corruption in Zambia

By Patricia Kachenjela, Citizen Journalist.

Legal Framework: Zambia’s Anti-corruption Act No. 3 of 2012 defines corruption broadly, encompassing solicitation, acceptance, giving, promising, or offering gratification as bribery or inducement. The Anti-corruption Commission, established in 1890 under the Corrupt Practices Act No.14, is mandated to lead the fight against corruption.

Mission: The Anti-corruption Commission aims to prevent and combat corruption impartially, fostering integrity, transparency, and accountability for a corruption-free Zambia.

Anti-Corruption Laws: The Anti-corruption Act outlines various offenses and penalties related to corrupt practices involving public or private officers, misuse of official powers, transactions with agents, and possession of unexplained property, among others.

Statistics: In Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index 2022, Zambia scored 33 out of 100, ranking 116th among 180 countries. Public perceptions indicate a prevailing issue, with 66% believing corruption increased in the previous year, and 18% reporting paying bribes in the public sector.

Procedure: The Anti-corruption Commission facilitates reporting through multiple channels, including a toll-free call center, physical office visits, written complaints, WhatsApp, social media platforms, and email.

Conclusion: Despite efforts, public perception of anti-corruption measures in Zambia hasn’t significantly improved. However, compared to other regions, per Transparency International statistics, Zambia’s situation is relatively better. Reporting corruption is encouraged, with the Anti-corruption Commission actively working towards reducing corruption for a better Zambia.


The Anti-Corruption Commission of Zambia

Speak Up Youth Project is implemented in partnership with BYTA FM in Choma, Sun FM on the Copperbelt, Three FM in Chipata and Voice of Kalomo in Kalomo with financial support from the German Development Cooperation.