The Alliance for Community Action is seeking the services of a consultant to carry out an evaluation of the Ask Project an initiative implemented by the ACA and Caritas Zambia from 2019 – 2022.
The Alliance for Community Action is a Zambian non-governmental organization founded in 2013. The ACA’s core purpose is to grow the demand and supply of public resource accountability, with the specific aim of instituting the demand for accountability in the general public. The ACA takes the view that public resources go beyond financial resources to include all shared resources for the national good.
Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organization that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelization. To promote the principle of the common good that the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.
The two organisations co-implemented the Ask Project with financial support from the European Union (EU) from 2019 to 2022.
The evaluation of the Ask Project will assess the progress and impact made since the start of its implementation based on the set goals of the project. The evaluation also aims to examine the successes, lessons and shortcomings of the initiative and collect feedback from the donor, direct and indirect beneficiaries and the implementors. Finally, the evaluation will outline the project’s impact and recommend programme changes for increased effectiveness and efficiency in future initiatives by both implementing partners. It will provide both qualitative and quantitative data that can be used for further programme improvement.
The results of the evaluation are critical to ACA, Caritas Zambia, and other stakeholders, as they will provide direction on how the next Ask Project or similar work will be implemented.
- Evaluation Objectives
- Assess progress made up to the end date, measure against the objectives, information and set targets as defined in the logical framework.
- Assess the design and implementation of key activities.
- Identify the most significant change achieved by the project.
- Identify the most significant change in the governance policy environment, that can be attributed to ACA and Caritas Zambia strategies and interventions as delivered by the project.
- Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the project strategy in managing the implementation of the initiative.
- Make recommendations that will feed into the next planning for similar projects
- Identify lessons to be used for greater programme relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability and make recommendations on specific alternatives, to the re-design, implementation approaches or targets, premised on sound evidence-based analysis which would strengthen progress towards expected initiatives similar to the Ask Project.
Expected Outputs
- Inception report
- Draft Evaluation report
- Final Evaluation report
The Consultant
The Consultant should meet the following criteria:
- An advanced degree or equivalent experience in governance or related social sciences.
- Experience working on and/or evaluating public resource management and CSO capacity-building projects, programmes and project plans.
- Evidenced knowledge of the CSO governance sector and challenges related to their work.
- Evidenced understanding of strategic planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation frameworks and change management.
- Possess strong writing and communication skills.
Applicants should provide:
- Not more than 4 pages of the intended methodological approach for the evaluation which must include the financial proposal.
- CVs of the Lead Consultant and members of the technical team.
The applications should be marked “Ask Project Evaluation” and addressed to, The Executive Director, Alliance for Community Action, No.3 Danny Kanengoki Street, Lusaka, Zambia. Submission of applications should be ONLY through delivery mail or email to: applications@acazambia.org
The ACA promotes fairness and transparency in its procurement processes. The closing date is Monday 8th August 2022 at 17 Hours CAT