Tuesday 3rd April 2022
ACA joins the rest of the world and all media practitioners and media consumers in the commemoration of the 2022 world press Freedom Day whose theme is “Journalism Under Digital Siege”.
The onset of the COVID19 pandemic has brought to light the critical role that the media plays in information collection, processing, and dissemination. It has brought along heightened online reporting and consumption of information.
The commemoration of this day is a reminder to our government to continue to respect the freedoms and right of our media practitioners. Press freedom becomes critical in the protection and promotion of citizens’ democratic rights. The availability and access to information is a critical prerequisite for accountability among citizens.
The ACA notes with concern that Press freedom in Zambia continues to be under threat due to the unavailability of a dedicated access to information legislation. The bureaucratic and delayed release of information from sources within public institutions which are shrouded in an entrenched “culture of secrecy” meant to protect the state is a danger to open and democratic practice. The unavailability of law delays and blocks information production and dissemination, therefore, affecting media institutions’ ability to produce timely, accurate and complete information.
The continued use of inflammatory language by government officials against the press disrupts journalism and its ability to obtain and disseminate important information.
As we commemorate World Press freedom, we call on the government to expedite the finalization of the ATI bill. We also call on the media to continue being impartial and non-partisan as they engage in their role as gatekeepers of democracy.
Issued by Andrew Banda – Information and Advocacy Officer
About the ACA:
The Alliance for Community Action (ACA) is a local civil society organization which works exclusively towards the articulated vision of a Zambia in which all her citizens enjoy the full and equitable benefit of all her resources. The ACA is committed to enabling Zambian citizens to express their opinions and to strengthen their ability, through its own initiatives the media and other civil society organizations – to hold duty bearers accountable. End//