Background: On 6th March 2022, Chapter One Foundation released a press statement that stated that there was low compliance with the Parliamentary and Ministerial Code of Conduct Act among Cabinet Ministers. The statement showed that only a few ministers had filed their statutory declarations of assets, liabilities, interests, and income as required by law.
Later, on 9th March 2022, BBC Media Action through its Ishiwi initiative hosted an event dubbed ‘Voter’s Voice’ discussing the performance of the United Party for National Development (UPND) administration in various aspects of governance. The programme was broadcast on several radio stations across the country and on social media.
During the live broadcast, in response to a question posted on Facebook asking him to confirm the veracity of the statement by Chapter One Foundation, discussant, Director and Spokesperson in the Ministry of Information and Media Mr Thabo Kawana stated that ALL Cabinet Ministers had made their declarations in accordance with the law.
Claim being checked: “ALL Ministers have declared their assets in accordance with the law. Wherever the law suits (sic) them to go and file, they have filed.” – Thabo Kawana, Director and Spokesman, Ministry of Information and Media
Source: Ishiwi Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ishiwi/videos/479793896955375
Verification Procedure:
On the 15th of March 2022, the ACA Fact-checking Unit wrote to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, requesting to inspect the Asset Declaration Register.
On the 23rd of March 2022, the Registrar notified the organisation that it was at liberty to inspect the register as provided for under Section 11 (1 and 2) of the Parliamentary and Ministerial Code of Conduct. The Registrar allocated Friday 25th March 2022 as the date on which the ACA could inspect the Register.
On the 25th of March 2022, the ACA Fact-checking Unit inspected the Asset Declaration Register at the Supreme Court for the period 12th of August 2021 to the 9th of March 2022. The ACA reviewed declarations made by Cabinet and Provincial Ministers, the Vice President of the Republic of Zambia, the Speaker of the National Assembly, and selected Members of Parliament.
The inspection revealed that the Vice President Ms Mutale Nalumango had declared her assets as required by the law. The investigation further revealed that the Speaker of the National Assembly Ms Nelly Mutti MP, First Deputy Speaker Ms Malungo Chisangano, MP and Second Deputy Speaker Mr Moses Moyo, MP had also filed their respective declarations.
However, Government Chief Whip Mr Stafford Mulusa MP, Deputy Chief Whip Ms Princess Kasune MP, and Leader of the Opposition Mr Brian Mundubile MP were among Members of Parliament who had not made their declarations as of 25th March 2022.
The inspection further revealed that out of twenty-five [25] Cabinet Ministers, only seven [07] had made declarations as of the 25th of March 2022 as indicated in Table 1 below:
Table 1: Declaration of Assets, Liabilities, Interests, and Income by Cabinet Ministers
1 | Chushi C Kasanda | Minister of Information and Media | Not Declared |
2 | Stanley Kasongo Kakubo | Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation | Not Declared |
3 | Collins Nzovu | Minister of Green Economy and Environment | Not Declared |
4 | Paul C C Kabuswe | Minister of Mines and Minerals Development | Not Declared |
5 | Chipoka Mulenga | Minister of Commerce, Trade, and Industry | Not Declared |
6 | Frank Tayali | Minister of Transport and Logistics | Not Declared |
7 | Reuben Mtolo Phiri | Minister of Agriculture | Not Declared |
8 | Douglas Munsaka Syakalima | Minister of Education | Not Declared |
9 | Sylvia Masebo | Minister of Health | Declared |
10 | Mulambo Hamakuni Haimbe | Minister of Justice | Declared |
11 | Mike Mposha | Minister of Water Development and Sanitation | Not Declared |
12 | Elvis Chishala Nkandu | Minister of Youth, Sport and Arts | Declared |
13 | Elijah Julaki Muchima | Minister of Lands and Natural Resources | Declared |
14 | Ambrose Lwiji Lufuma | Minister of Defence | Declared |
15 | Brenda Mwika Tambatamba | Minister of Labour and Social Security | Not Declared |
16 | Rhodine Sikumba | Minister of Tourism | Not Declared |
17 | Gary G Nkombo | Minister of Local Government and Rural Development | Not Declared |
18 | Jacob Jack Mwiimbu | Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security | Declared |
19 | Situmbeko Musokotwane | Minister of Finance and National Planning | Not Declared |
20 | Makozo Chikote | Minister of Fisheries and Livestock | Not Declared |
21 | Peter Chibwe Kapala | Minister of Energy | Declared |
22 | Doreen Mwamba | Minister of Community Development and Social Services | Not Declared |
23 | Charles Milupi | Minister of Infrastructure, Housing Urban and Development | Not Declared |
24 | Felix C Mutati | Minister of Technology and Science | Not Declared |
25 | Elias Mubanga | Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises Development | Not Declared |
Additionally, the study revealed that out of the total of ten [10] Provincial Ministers, only two [02] had filed declarations as of the 25th of March 2022 as indicated in Table 2 below:
Table 2: Declaration of Assets, Liabilities, Interests, and Income by Provincial Ministers
1 | Hon. Derrick Chilundika | Luapula Province | Not Declared |
2 | Hon. Peter Phiri | Eastern Province | Not Declared |
3 | Hon. Sheal Mulyata | Lusaka Province | Not Declared |
4 | Hon. Henry Sikazwe | Muchinga Province | Not Declared |
5 | Hon. Leonard Mbao | Northern Province | Declared |
6 | Hon. Cornelius Mweetwa | Southern Province | Not Declared |
7 | Hon. Kapelwa Mbangweta | Western Province | Declared |
8 | Hon. Elisha Matambo | Copperbelt Province | Not Declared |
9 | Hon. Robert Lihefu | North-Western Province | Not Declared |
10 | Hon. Credo Nanjuwa | Central Province | Not Declared |
Conclusion: The Fact check found that a large majority of the Ministers have not complied with the Parliamentary and Ministerial Code of Conduct, Cap 16 of the Laws of Zambia, which states that all Members of Parliament, Cabinet and Speaker of the National Assembly must make annual declarations of their interests, assets, liabilities, and incomes 30 days after their first date of appointment and 30 days after every anniversary.
Thus, the ACA Fact-checking Unit finds the claim by Mr Thabo Kawana that all Cabinet Ministers under the UPND government have declared their assets as FALSE.
The ACA Fact-checking Unit is part of the European Union-funded ‘Ask Project’